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Men of all ages, join us for this special evening at Shiloh with our special guest speaker. He is the Director of the Man Church and co hosts The Rick and Bubba Show - Rick Burgess. 

We will begin the evening with a BBQ feast in the Family Life Center at 5:30. From there we will move into the main sanctuary for a Worship Service and to hear the message that Rick has prepared for us. 

Please invite every man that you know, regardless of church membership. This event is for ALL MEN! There is no admission fee for this event but we do ask that you please use the sign up form below so we can get a rough number to plan for food and volunteers.

If you do wish to make a donation specifically for this event you may use the donate button below. Please specify Men's Ministry in the drop down and in the memo. You can also donate through the app or here on the giving page at the top. Again, event admission is totally free of charge, only donate if you feel lead to.

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