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Dear Shiloh Family,

Does anyone remember times of yore when the church would gather around the local creekbank swimming hole on Sunday afternoon? I have fond memories of how folks would sing Amazing Grace and Shall We Gather at the River, followed by a good-ole-fashioned baptizing and time of fellowship. Recently, we were able to experience just such an event.

Mike, one of the men of our church, approached me during the Homecoming festivities and said he had an unusual request. He inquired if I would baptize him, to which I quickly replied in the affirmative. Then, with raised eyebrows he informed me he wanted to be baptized in the creek. My reply to that was the same as before because I would baptize in a mud hole if thats what was available.

So, on a set date, we all met at a beautiful farm on Chickamauga Creek. However, as I approached the head of the small gravel road that led around the barn and meandered down to the baptismal site, an older gentleman approached me and said, Preacher, Mike made me start thinking about things, and I want to be baptized too. I explained what salvation and baptism were all about. He informed me he had been saved long ago, but wasnt satisfied with the previous dunking experience, and wanted to rededicate his life and be baptized again. I agreed.

As we arrived at the creed ford, several family members were already waiting. David, Monica, Anita, and I joined them and we all sang Amazing Grace and gave thanks to our Heavenly Father for allowing us to share in such a holy experience. We celebrated as two men publicly demonstrated to all witnesses their decision to follow Jesus.

Now, this in itself would be blessing enough, but as we came out of the water, Mikes brother-in-law casually quizzed, Do you have to bend over backward? Because I dont think I could bend like that.

After a brief pause of silence, I replied, Well, are you thinking about it? If you are, we can remedy the back issue.

At which time, his wife stepped up and said, Well, I know Ive been thinking about it as well, and I want to be baptized.

For confidentiality, I will keep the ensuing conversation private. However, that day, four precious souls came out of the water changed. It was one of the greatest experiences of my more that 30-year tenure at Shiloh. The once, chilly water, was now rather comfortable. The Spirit had warmed us all over and over all.

Mark 16:15: 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. KJV

Upon exiting the creek, I met their mom and informed her that all this was her fault. She grinned and indicated that she certainly hoped it was. To which I explained my statement.

Think about it! Grandma followed God in faithfulness to our church. Her faithfulness and excitement brought her son and daughter-in-law. The son became obedient to God in following Jesus in believers baptism. This led another friend to reevaluate his life and follow suit. A sister noticed the change, felt the calling, and allowed the Holy Spirit to speak to her heart, which led to the husbands salvation and ultimate baptism as well. 

1 Samuel 15:22: "Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. NKJV

You dont have to be the Pastor, SS teacher, Choir Director, or even hold an office to be used by the Lord. You only need to be obedient and faithful. As the song says, Trust and obey, for theres no other way, to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey. 
Nothing you do, affects only you.      

God bless you all, 
Pastor Derrell