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Dear Shiloh Family,

Oh, how I wish all of you could experience one day of youth camp…sleepless nights, sun-scorched days, wonderful camp food, game food that would make a buzzard hurl, bonding personalities, attitudes and latitudes, hugs and bugs.  Doesn’t that sound fun?  Believe it or not, it really is!  Especially when it all culminates into incredible evenings of worship and endless moments of connection, with each other, and most importantly with Jesus.

Terry and the praise team worked in harmony with our guest speaker to bring worship alive.  It’s been a long time since I’ve heard and seen our students worship so openly and freely.  The altars have been occupied nightly, and spiritual conversation has filled the air constantly.  A couple of nights some of the campers even had me cornered with questions and comments.  I am so proud of all attendees, from leaders to little ones.

I extend a special thanks to Monica and David for taking on the most important ministry in camp…kid care, otherwise known as camp babysitters.  Their ministry brings me my “Say That Again” moment for the week.

During one of our sessions, one of the toddlers scuffed the end of her big toe on a rock.  When Monica picked her up, the conversation went something like this:
“Oh, what’s wrong?  What did you do?”
“I thumped my toe” whimpered the lass.
To which Monica replied with a sympathetic chuckle, “You thumped your toe?”
“Yes, I thumped my toe, and I don’t even know what that means.”
Isn’t that great? She didn’t care if the word was thumped, scuffed, or stumped.

Call it anything you wish; the bottom line was that she was hurting.  Juan wiped it off, dressed the wound in a Little Princes Band-Aid, hugged her neck, and it was all better.

Here is what we are discovering here at camp, and back at Shiloh as well.  People are hurting.  Many of them don’t know what theological exegesis, reformed theology, expository sermon, propitiation, justification, sanctification, or even Baptist doctrine really means.  However, they certainly know what hurt, pain, and loneliness is, and they are searching for someone to pick them up, wipe them off, and give them a hug.  We can do that!  We can go one step further…we can introduce them to one who can completely comfort and heal.

Sunday, we will be combining both services into one 11:00 AM worship time.  The youth will be conducting the worship time and brother Patrick Everett, our retreat speaker, will be preaching. I encourage all parents, grandparents, and family to attend. It will also be a great opportunity to introduce guests to the excitement of our church, specifically, our youth ministry.

Come with an open mind and a worshipful heart. In the words of your Minister of Students, “Make much of Jesus.”  
Preschoolers don’t need to drive the bus. They just need to be loved.                       

God bless you all, 
Pastor Derrell