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Dear Shiloh Family,
The old gentleman stood calm and accommodating as my young neighbor began preparing him for an afternoon stroll around the pasture.  With each piece of tack applied to his body the aging gelding got a bit more excited. The young lady spoke softly and the horse yielded to each demand as halter, blanket, saddle, and bridle went perfectly into place.  The old fella was eager to please his master.
Inching closer and closer, a young mare nosed in for a pat on the head, or a scratch behind her ears. However, any hint of a rope or headstall in her direction, sent her backing away.  She seemed interested, but not committed.  
I inquired if I needed to saddle the female horse as well, but the girl said she was just letting a friend ride for the first time.  I complied because the younger horse was green-broke and I didn’t feel like having my bones rattled that evening.  
The teenager reined the old man through the lower gate and the unsaddled nonparticipant equine lingered behind for one more pat or the possibility of a bucket of feed.  And then, her companion whinnied with excitement and it was more than the ole girl could stand.  She bolted through the gate and fell in stride with the other horse.  
The ensuing scene played out in Funniest Home Video fashion.  Every step the older horse took, she matched.  She nearly had her nose on his hind quarters.  As the riders spurred him around the pasture, she mirrored his every move.  It was as if she was saying, “Me, me, me…ride me, ride me, ride me.  Look at me! I can do it too.”  It was hilarious.  She didn’t get ridden that day, but it may have taught her how fun it was and could have been to please her master.
Aren’t we the same way?  Many of us are veterans when it comes to ministry. We understand how wonderful it is to please Father God, our great master.  Consequently, there are younger believers who are watching intently.  They are very interested, but not yet committed.  They need a little TLC, and they need to observe how awesome pleasing our Savior, Jesus Christ, can be.   However, some are never going to step out until they hear excitement and pleasure in our voices.  
     The Apostle Paul encouraged a young Timothy in this manner.

1 Timothy 4:12-16: 12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. NKJV 
It is imperative that new believers see that we do not fear the bridle and bit.  We must show that we were made to serve God.  Let’s gather at His stable, listen for His commands, and yield to His direction. 

Proverbs 8:34: 34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. KJV

     We have a great opportunity that is designed perfectly for excitement.  Next Sunday begins Shiloh VBS; every day and everything about it teems with the potential for leadership, stewardship, and evangelism.  Come, join in the fun and lead the children to the joy of serving the Master. 
Real excitement can only go as deep as true commitment.  

God bless you all, 
Pastor Derrell