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Dear Shiloh Family,

        There aren’t many things in life that can be deemed as a sure thing.  However, there are some life events that are close. One such occurrence happens when my grandkids come to my house.  Upon entering the driveway, before they go into the house, before they hug Dita or Poppy, and before they raid the refrigerator, inevitably, one of them will inquire, “Poppy, where are the horses?”  They love to feed and pet the equines.  They are also very aware that Poppy can make them come to the barn on demand.

     Now, for some that would be a chore; but I have learned a thing or two over the years.  For one, I’m too old to chase those crazy things, so I teach my animals to come when I call…or whistle.  Before my horses, dogs, or any livestock receives even a morsel of food, I give a sharp whistle, and some kind of verbal call.  If they are within hearing distance, it’s like the Chickamauga derby to see which one receives the prize first.  If they hear the metal lid of the feed drum rattle, the stampede begins before I have time to summon them.  It’s amazing what a handful of feed and a scratch behind the ear will accomplish.

     You know, I’ve discovered that I’m much the same…especially when it comes to Shiloh and worship.  And it appears that I’m not the only one.  It seems as though folks are running to Shiloh these days. Each time a new ministry is announced, and the call to worship is given, people fill the rooms.  Staff and leaders are discovering new ways to feed and love people.  David Wilson says it almost every Monday, “The ladies have given us physical food, now the word of God will give us the spiritual food.”    When the doors of the church rattle, and the band begins to whistle the tune of praise, people are being drawn to worship.

     Shiloh, keep serving the word of God and extending the love of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit will certainly fill the place, and more importantly, the hearts of the people.  

     Remember, many souls are wandering aimlessly in the proverbial pastures of life, but they are hungry for the nourishment and blessings of the Almighty God.  You have the ability to lead them to the fold of Jesus.    

2 Corinthians 9:10-12: 10 Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, 11 while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. NKJV

     By the way, if you really want to see excitement and energy in ministry, get involved in VBS.  The children really know what true worship is all about; and our leaders know how to serve it up.  The VBS dates are June 9-12.  Please sign up today.  

The lighthouse is the icon that stands for safety, true salvation comes when the Savior moves through His people.                   

God bless you all, 

Pastor Derrell