Dear Shiloh Family,
Last Wednesday, I slipped around the corner and peaked through the half-door of the nursery. It was early, and there was only one child, and a couple of adult attendants. It was apparent they were communicating, or attempting to communicate with the little guy, but he was oblivious. He had all the toys, balls, trucks, and mini-playground to himself, and he was soaking it in.
Theres nothing more soothing than watching a contented child in his or her element, so I quietly observed for a few seconds before calling out to the toddler. At first, he included me among the totally ignored and terminally boring adults. However, I eventually got his attention and the conversation went something like this;
"Whats up?" No response. I raised the volume a bit and called him by name. "Hey, Henry!"
Upon hearing his name, he recognized my voice and abruptly snapped to attention. For a brief instant, my little buddy glared at me with his mouth gaped open. Then, the pacifier in his mouth rocketed forward to the point of straining its tether to the limits, his eyes became like saucers, the toy he was holding crashed to the floor, and his hands reached skyward.
Wow! This guy knows how to make a person feel appreciated. I'm quite sure I was sporting that "possum eating saw briars grin" and swelled head look. This dude loved his Pastor. Then came the humbling word of reality.
To the top of his little lungs, Henry screamed, "SUCCER!"
Now, I'm sure if one of your deacons were near, one would have heard a retort something like, "Boy, he sure learned about the pastor early in life." But, no one was there except the nursery workers, and they were already supportively laughing hysterically.
Henry bolted toward me, and as he blew by reminded me of his targeted enthusiasm. "I want a sucker." The attendants and I followed him into my office, and I helped him unwrap the chosen prize. With sparkling eyes, he politely thanked me and proceeded back to the baby domain and resumed the afore mentioned activities.
Hebrews 4:16: 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. NKJV
For those who may not know, there is often a parade of children (usually led by my Grandbabies) to the Pastor's office after each service; there is a jar of suckers designed to let them know that they, along with their parents, are loved and always welcome.
Philippians 3:13-14: 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. NKJV
When is the last time you dropped everything, forgetting all to follow esus? Can you remember when you just wanted to throw up your hands and enter into the presence of the Holy One, not just for the gifts or blessings, but rather just to feel his divine touch and hear his voice. His door is always open, and His arms are more than capable. He desires to fellowship with you, and there are hidden blessings attached as well. Oh, that we could get to the place at Shiloh where we desire the presence of God above everything else. As the song says;
"Oh, to be in your presence, sitting at your feet.
And to know that when you're with me, my joy will be complete.
Just to feel your tender touch divine, to know I'm yours and you are mine. In your presence Lord is where I long to be."
The presence of the Lord transcends all earthly situations.
God bless you all,
Pastor Derrell
PS. Our church is growing, and the nursery along with it. We are in need of volunteers. Please, see Lea Gordon, or call Melissa in the office if you will help. More workers equals less time.