Dear Shiloh Family,
The first wave of warm weather gives us a hint of the coming Spring. We anticipate that initial patch of Crocuses or the yellow crowns of Daffodils peeking out of the hues of brown. Nature lovers know that pollinating bees will soon follow. However, did you know that pollination benefits the bees as much as the flowers?
Everyone is aware that our buzzing friends are beneficial, even necessary in spreading seeds from pedal to pedal. Consequently, the bees are nourished by the nectar and spread protein to the entire colony as well. In turn, the hive provides the succulent golden blanket that often covers buttered biscuits or sweetens our coffee.
In like manner, everything that happens in a church is designed to benefit ministers as well as ministries. Last week, we were fortunate to have Mike Griffin minister to us. However, as is often the case, Shiloh ministered to him as well. You always seem to rise to the occasion and appreciate the totality of outreach when we have guest speakers and singers.
This is a post from Brother Mike this week:
"Great day preaching in both morning services on Religious Freedom at Shiloh Baptist Church in Rossville, GA. Thank you, Pastor Derrell O'Neal for the blessing to be with you all the second time! This is one of the best churches I have ever been in. They love worshipping and serving the Lord!"
What a wonderful testament to your worship and understanding of the Body of Christ! Even though he came to serve you, the praise team, choir, and personal love encouraged him. My prayer is that ignited a spark that would allow the flame of the Gospel to burn in other churches throughout Georgia and specifically, in our state Capitol
I say as the Apostle Paul:
1 Thessalonians 1:8-10: 8 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything. 9 For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, NKJV
I rarely vacate the pulpit more than two weeks in a row. It's way out of my comfort zone! However, I've learned that God has a divine plan and direction. I'm also striving to get to the point: I don't question what He is doing.
Therefore, I ask you to minister to Jay and Natalee Barbier, with the TBMB, this Sunday as they minister to us. Jay will be speaking in the morning service and Natalee will do a seminar on working with special needs children after church in the FLC.
Anyone who works with children is encouraged to attend the seminar, but everyone is welcome to attend both events. We will have Sunday School as usual, but will have only the 11:00 morning service. We will continue our study in Revelation the following Sunday.
One missing bolt from the
God bless you all,
Pastor Derrell